Content Fusion DevelopDevelop your Leads into High Value Customers

Lead development is an vastly under valued, and as a result, an under utilised part of content marketing and marketing in general. But it is the area of your marketing processes where you develop prospects who aren’t ready to buy into high value customers. Lead development builds a longer sales pipeline, delivers higher average order values and creates stability in organisations who previously couldn’t predict when and where their next sale was coming from. While developing your leads; your leads are starting to appreciate your credibility, understand your problem solving ability and unconsciously considering you as the solution to their problems.

Lead development is the engine room of organisational growth and profitability and mustn’t be overlooked.

To help you do that here’s a few do’s and don’ts to help steer you and your lead development in the right direction.

Lead Development


  • Solve the problems faced by your target persona-remember that is  why they connected with you in the first place.
  • Use the content to focus on your niche specialism- really drill into the problems, provide example and context.
  • Use the content to build your credibility- consider how the material you are publishing reflects on your organisation.
  • Develop trust and engage your target persona- respond on social, answer questions, provide support where you can.
  • Show case your knowledge and understanding- grasp current events and contentious topics and make them your own.
  • Provide proof of your thinking and your results- substantiate what you are saying with stats or quotes from current clients.
  • Use testimonials to support you- never underestimate the power of social proof.
  • Use targeted Calls To Action to take your prospects closer to a sale- everything is part of the 4 steps, the next one is Convert, lead them there.


  • Sell- not yet but the prospect is gaining an understanding of what you are all about.
  • Be inconsistent with your brand- this erodes the trust you are looking to build
  • Bombard your prospects-start with a focused campaign then if there is no response reduce the frequency.
  • Talk about you all of the time- this has to be about them.
  • Just use text- incorporate video, presentations audio; anything to break it up.
  • Break their trust or confidence in you. Consider what you send.

Follow these guidelines and developing your Marketing Qualified Leads into Sales Qualified Leads will become predictable and repeatable, taking the stress off everyone in the business.

If you have any questions on this or anything else please drop over to our contact page and drop us a line. Or if you’d like a free copy of our latest book click on the image below.

Best wishes,
